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Alpha Phi Alpha

Fraternity, Inc.

Est: 1906

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36th General President

Since Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was founded over a century ago, only thirty-five other Brothers have been elected to the General Presidency; to carry the blessings and burdens of this Brotherhood as its international leader.

Today, I humbly stand in the shadows of the Jewels, under the watchful eyes of past General Presidents, and in the workshop of many past Executive Directors to greet you for the very first time as our General President.

On this first day of the year two thousand and twenty-one, I am fully aware of the stress and strain so many Alpha men have endured this past year due to the global pandemic. This weight has only been compounded by economic pressure, racial unrest, loss of loved ones and incredible uncertainty for so many within our bond of brotherhood.

Yet, I cannot help but be optimistic for Alpha Phi Alpha and our members around the world because I have witnessed Alpha Men in these trying times provide light in a dark world.

Alpha Men have been socially conscious as we pull the United States to becoming a more perfect union. College and Alumni Brothers, alike, have marched, pushed legislation, and advocated for action through policy changes to meet this new opportunity for progress.

Alpha Men in the scientific and medical fields, respectively, and those who serve as first responders have sacrificed and led on the front lines of the pandemic. And Alpha Men who are faith leaders and fathers of families, large and small, have provided the stability and confidence our communities have needed to persevere.

To each and every one of you Brothers, I say thank you.

In the infinite wisdom of our collective, the Alpha Constitution mandates that the new General President assume office on January 1st – at the start of a new year. The moment of new beginnings, new mercies, and fresh opportunities.

Like so many around the world, Alpha Men will pause to assess 2020, cast bold dreams for 2021, and resolve to achieve ambitious goals in this new chapter.

As your General President, I invite you to resolve to Elevate Alpha with me.

Irrespective of how hard this past year has been, or how often you have been disillusioned with aspects of the frat over your decades in the House, the truth is – today we all have the opportunity to choose.

We have an opportunity to choose what type of Alpha Man we will be.

We have an opportunity to choose if how we live our Alpha experience will be consistent with the oath we have taken.

And we have an opportunity to choose if we will make the investment in our Brotherhood to realize the dreams we each have for this amazing organization.

This day — we have an opportunity to choose what type of Line Brother, Chapter, District, Region, and General Organization we will be.

If I have learned nothing more about Alpha men since my initiation 34 years ago, it is that Alpha Men can do anything we set our heads, hearts, and hands to.

So, join me in resolving to Elevate Alpha together.

I’m committing to be a better Brother, listener, and leader.

In this new Chapter of Alpha’s storied history, and this new year – we will be a stronger Brotherhood if Every Alpha Man also resolves to Elevate Alpha in the same way.

In just two weeks, you will hear more from me during our virtual swearing-in and Board of Directors Meeting.

Until then, my wife Pamela and I wish your families the best, and my prayer as your Brother first and as your General President is that the true spirit of fraternity, rule our hearts, guide our thoughts, and control our lives so that we may become through thee, servants of all.

May God bless you and may God always shine His light on Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.




Willis L. Lonzer, III, Ph.D.
General President


Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

2313 Saint Paul Street

Baltimore, MD 21218-5211


Open Weekdays

8:30AM - 5:00PM EST



410.554.0054 Fax


© 2024 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.: Kappa Upsilon Lambda Chapter

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Bro. Shawn Cheatham

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